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"In the Spotlight with..."

This Article: Dealer News / Company Culture

Tom Mylott, Senior Account Manager

Tom Mylott 2.jpg
Hi, my name is Tom and I have joined the sales team at Reynolds and Reynolds.

I was born and raised in a small farming village on the edge of Stratford-upon-Avon, where I was fortunate enough to escape with the correct number of fingers and toes. From an early age I had a passion for rugby, and 22 years later I still have a run out on a Saturday, although now there is less onus on the rugby and more on the social activities afterwards.

These past couple of years have been quite a busy one in terms of ‘life events’, I started my new job with Reynolds, I'm getting married very soon and we have bought a house together. I also enjoy travelling to places such as South Africa, Australia, Singapore, a few European cities and I'm heading off to Iceland for my honeymoon very soon.

Get in Touch with Tom

Tom Mylott 2.jpg
Hi, my name is Tom and I have joined the sales team at Reynolds and Reynolds.

I was born and raised in a small farming village on the edge of Stratford-upon-Avon, where I was fortunate enough to escape with the correct number of fingers and toes. From an early age I had a passion for rugby, and 22 years later I still have a run out on a Saturday, although now there is less onus on the rugby and more on the social activities afterwards.

These past couple of years have been quite a busy one in terms of ‘life events’, I started my new job with Reynolds, I'm getting married very soon and we have bought a house together. I also enjoy travelling to places such as South Africa, Australia, Singapore, a few European cities and I'm heading off to Iceland for my honeymoon very soon.

Get in Touch with Tom

We asked Tom some questions...
  1. Welcome to the Reynolds' team. How are you settling into your role?
    I am thoroughly enjoying it! Having worked fairly autonomously for the past two years, it is a welcomed change having such a friendly team to greet in the morning. In both the interview process and since joining the company, it is very apparent that the focus is on the development of people, which is evidenced by the impressive tenure of many of the employees.
  2. What did you do before you joined the sales team?
    Sales has always been a part of my career, from promoting student nights at University to running my own Estate Agency company. I think something Adele said to me best sums up one of the reasons Sales was the chosen career path; “On a scale of 1-10 you scored 9 for gregarious, don’t worry though, you’re in sales!”.
  3. If money was no barrier, what car would you like to own?
    A 1956 Jaguar XK 140.
  4. What is your favourite film?
    This is a question I always struggle with as I will watch anything! Mood dependent, the following eclectic mix could feature on my watch list; The Godfather, Braveheart, Anchorman, The Other Guys, Step Brothers, The Intouchables (French film), Lion King (not even sorry) and the list could go on for a while…... ‘The Other Guys’ scene with the battle of the Lion and the Tuna.
  5. Do you have a favourite holiday destination that you like to visit?
    I’d probably say Italy, there’s just something about it (great wine and food)! Lake Como is stunning and Venice is a favourite also.
  6. If you were stranded on a desert island and was allowed one luxury item, what would it be?
    Gilbert the rugby ball, my own version of “Wilson!”.
  7. What is the one thing that you couldn’t live without?
    My family; Fiancée, son, parents and two sisters.
  8. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
    The fictional David Brent: “If you were to ask me to name three geniuses, I probably wouldn’t say Einstein, Newton…. You know. I’d go: Miligan, Cleese, Everett… Sessions.” “You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days you’re the statue”.
  9. And finally, the quick fire round!
    Two wheels or four? Four
    Football or rugby? Rugby
    Beer or Lager? Alcohol
    TV or Netflix? Netflix
    Apple or Android? Apple
We asked Tom some questions...
  1. Welcome to the Reynolds' team. How are you settling into your role?
    I am thoroughly enjoying it! Having worked fairly autonomously for the past two years, it is a welcomed change having such a friendly team to greet in the morning. In both the interview process and since joining the company, it is very apparent that the focus is on the development of people, which is evidenced by the impressive tenure of many of the employees.
  2. What did you do before you joined the sales team?
    Sales has always been a part of my career, from promoting student nights at University to running my own Estate Agency company. I think something Adele said to me best sums up one of the reasons Sales was the chosen career path; “On a scale of 1-10 you scored 9 for gregarious, don’t worry though, you’re in sales!”.
  3. If money was no barrier, what car would you like to own?
    A 1956 Jaguar XK 140.
  4. What is your favourite film?
    This is a question I always struggle with as I will watch anything! Mood dependent, the following eclectic mix could feature on my watch list; The Godfather, Braveheart, Anchorman, The Other Guys, Step Brothers, The Intouchables (French film), Lion King (not even sorry) and the list could go on for a while…... ‘The Other Guys’ scene with the battle of the Lion and the Tuna.
  5. Do you have a favourite holiday destination that you like to visit?
    I’d probably say Italy, there’s just something about it (great wine and food)! Lake Como is stunning and Venice is a favourite also.
  6. If you were stranded on a desert island and was allowed one luxury item, what would it be?
    Gilbert the rugby ball, my own version of “Wilson!”.
  7. What is the one thing that you couldn’t live without?
    My family; Fiancée, son, parents and two sisters.
  8. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
    The fictional David Brent: “If you were to ask me to name three geniuses, I probably wouldn’t say Einstein, Newton…. You know. I’d go: Miligan, Cleese, Everett… Sessions.” “You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days you’re the statue”.
  9. And finally, the quick fire round!
    Two wheels or four? Four
    Football or rugby? Rugby
    Beer or Lager? Alcohol
    TV or Netflix? Netflix
    Apple or Android? Apple
This Article: Dealer News / Company Culture
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